Defender Experience
In 2024, Autumn Works was enlisted to craft a dynamic new asset suite for the JLR Experience program, spanning Range Rover, Discovery, and—our focus for this case study—Defender. The JLR Experience isn’t just about driving; it’s about pushing these vehicles to their limits in breathtaking off-road environments. It’s an adventure fueled by immersion, excitement, and personal growth. As a major brand driver and a standout feature in JLR’s customer journey, the Experience program sets JLR apart, offering something few can match—a true connection between driver, machine, and the wild.
Photography by Sam Benard
• Optimise assets to drive specific reactions; book, bond, share, advocate. KPIs: Awareness (assets 50%) and Conversion (assets 50%)
• Overcome creative ‘fatigue’ with outdated assets that do not align with the current brand worlds.
• Premium aesthetic & aspirational. Visual storytelling (short captions / little explanation)
• Ensure the creative propels the Defender brand personality.
• Entertainment and reach the ‘Unconnected’ in Tik Tok & Instagram
• 1 Hero Video
• 4 Feature specific cut-down videos
• 42 Itemised channel specific video assets for TV, Social, Youtube, and bespoke UX.
• 20 Retouched still images.
Social Content
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![JLR EXPERIENCE_DEFENDER_HERO FILM_60sec_16x9_Clean.00_00_18_15.Still015.jpg](
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